What is the benefit of submitting LKPM?

In addition to serving as investment realization reports, LKPM also serves as a means of communication between BKPM and business actors. Companies can convey the problems in doing business activities and if deemed necessary, BKPM will follow up and facilitate the company’s problems submitted through LKPM.

What are the sanctions for failing to submit LKPM?

Sanctions for not submitting LKPM is listed in BKPM Regulation No. 7 of 2018 on Guidelines and Procedures for Controlling Investment Implementation: Part Five (Imposition of Sanctions) Article 31 – 39. Download the regulation here.

How many LKPMs must be submitted by the Company?

LKPM must be submitted for every KBLI in every business location in every business field.

How many LKPMs to submit

What to do after submitting LKPM?

After submitting LKPM online to BKPM, the company should check the LKPM submission’s status. There are 4 (four) LKPM statuses that should be of concern to the company:

  1. Draft – LKPM has not been submitted to BKPM. LKPM draft can be edited and sent to BKPM at a later time no longer than the submission deadline
  2. Sent – LKPM has been sent to BKPM, but has not been reviewed by the BKPM’s LKPM officer/PIC
  3. Revision Needed – LKPM submitted to BKPM has been reviewed and needs revision. To see what the revisions are, you can reopen every submission step. Pay attention to the “Catatan Perbaikan” or Repair Notes field or check the email of the person in charge of your company’s LKPM submission.
    • The Company can answer the questions asked by BKPM in the column “Permasalahan yang Dihadapi Perusahaan” or Problems/Constraints Faced by the Company in the “Realisasi” or Realization step.
    • Please note that based on Article 3 Paragraph (4) of BKPM Regulation No. 7 of 2018, if the company does not answer or make improvements to LKPM with the “Perlu Perbaikan” or Revision Needed status then the company is considered not submitting the LKPM in question.
  4. Approved – The LKPM submitted to BKPM has been reviewed and approved by the LKPM officer.

How do I know my company’s LKPM status?

You can view the LKPM status on the homepage in the following column:

LKPM status

You can also search LKPM based on the status. To do this, go to Beranda (Home), Pencarian LKPM (Search LKPM), choose Tahun (Year), Periode (Period), Status and click Cari (Search).

LKPM Status Search

Will I get a receipt for submitting LKPM?

Definitely, your receipt can be downloaded on this screen:

LKPM Receipt

Can I revise the already submitted LKPM?

  • If the LKPM status is “Sent”, the company can contact BKPM officer / PIC through FO Dalak on the 2nd Floor of the BKPM Office or try reaching them through contact information on this page and ask to “return” the LKPM that has been sent. The company can then revise the LKPM. During revision the LKPM’s status switches to “Perlu Perbaikan” or Revision Needed.
  • If the LKPM status is “Disetujui” or Approved then the LKPM is no longer available for revision. The company can revise the LKPM for the next period.

What if the total realization of investments recorded in LKPM is not the same as the company’s financial records?

In this case, the company can contact the BKPM officer / PIC through FO Dalak on the 2nd Floor of the BKPM Office and inform the matter in the “Permasalahan yang Dihadapi Perusahaan” or Problems Faced by the Company field on the online LKPM page.

What if the LKPM is submitted past the deadline?

LKPM cannot be submitted later than the specified deadline (Article 10 paragraph 5 letter b). So if the company submits the LKPM past due, the company can accumulate additional investment as much as possible within the last 1 (one) year.

This also applies to companies submitting their first LKPM report (maybe due to ignorance/lack of information regarding LKPM submission), then the investment realization value that can be accumulated is the investment value in the last 1 year. You can write the explanation in the “Permasalahan yang Dihadapi Perusahaan” or Problems Faced by the Company field.


Company A neglected the LKPM quarter III, IV of 2018 and quarter I, II, III of 2019 period submission. At the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2019 the company received a warning letter from BKPM.

After checking with company A’s finance department, additional investments were obtained during the second quarter of 2018 to the fourth quarter of 2019 as follows:

Not submitted investment example


In the fourth quarter of 2019 the value of the accumulated investment is only the additional investment in the first quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2019 (last 1 year period) namely:

Additional investment revision

Additionally, in relation to the above you should also write the following in the “Permasalahan yang Dihadapi Perusahaan” or Problems Faced by the Company field as follows: “The additional investment is the accumulation of first to the fourth quarter of 2019 period.”


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

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Agustin, S.H., M.H., Managing Partner

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